We were granted our Royal Charter in July 2000 in recognition of our work, in the public interest, to champion better work and working lives. This privilege was followed by the power to award chartered status to members who meet our professional standards of knowledge and behaviour.

How we received our Royal Charter 

Royal Charters have been granted since the 13th century. Awarded by the monarch, on the advice of the UK Privy Council, nowadays Royal Charters are normally reserved for bodies that work in the public interest. They define the purpose, powers and privileges of organisations that demonstrate pre-eminence, stability and permanence in their field. 

We were granted our Royal Charter in 2000 for upholding our purpose in the public interest. This confirmed our powers to develop learning programmes, undertake research, publish resources, offer services and events, and establish standards of competence, good practice, conduct and ethics. These privileges were extended, in July 2003, with the power to award chartered status to members who meet our professional standards.  

What it means for our work 

Our Royal Charter is the foundation for our charitable purpose – to tackle barriers to work and create inclusive workplaces – and it extends our reach and impact. It boosts our credibility and influence around the world and reinforces our partnerships with employers, educators, governments, charities and other bodies. It harnesses the insights and contributions of people professionals and strengthens the connections across our whole community. 

What it means for our community 

We know that good work, within inclusive and responsible businesses, makes our economies and our societies stronger. To make this a reality, we need a community to champion better work and working lives: the people profession. And our community needs a partner, a standard and a voice: the CIPD. 

Through our Royal Charter, only we can award internationally recognised chartered status to HR, L&D, OD and all people professionals. Our Chartered Members, Chartered Fellows and Chartered Companions demonstrate knowledge and expertise comparable to other professionals. Chartered status enhances our members’ credibility and inspires confidence in employers, colleagues and clients. 

What it means for our governance 

Our Charter and Byelaws constitute our governing document. They define our charitable purpose. To amend our Charter, we need approval from at least 75% of those voting at our annual general meeting, as well as approval from the Privy Council and endorsement from the Charity Commission. 

Our Regulations, which are approved by our Board of Trustees, set out how our powers are put into practice. 

CIPD Charter and Byelaws

Download our Charter
PDF document 327.6 KB

CIPD Regulations

Download our Regulations
PDF document 395.5 KB


Ready to move up or
move on?

Chartered Membership of the CIPD is a visible sign of your ability to lead strategic thinking and drive positive change.

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How do we meet
our obligations?

The standards of conduct that apply to all our members.

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The voice, the standard and the partner for our profession

Our purpose is to champion better work and working lives. We do it because organisations thrive when we put people first. And because thriving, responsible organisations lead to stronger economies and societies. We’ve upheld our purpose for over 100 years. Today we’re the voice, the standard and the partner for our worldwide community of around 160,000 people professionals.

Our leadership and governance

How our structure, governance and leadership keep our charitable and business activities responsible, accountable, sustainable and transparent

Our purpose and impact

Better work and working lives for all

Learn more about us