We join forces with other organisations, charities and businesses on all the issues that affect people and work. We share our members’ insights and experiences. We combine our expertise and evidence. We campaign together for good policy and practice. 

Our public policy priorities include job quality and fair work, education and skills, productivity and people management. Here are some of the partners we’ve worked with recently across the UK and Ireland.

Who we're working with across the UK

The Flexible Working Taskforce

Set up in early 2018 by the UK’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), the taskforce challenged business to improve workplace equity by advertising all jobs as flexible from day one. In February 2021, our chief executive Peter Cheese was asked to continue his role as co-chair by BEIS Minister Paul Scully. Learning from the pandemic, the taskforce was asked to help businesses understand the benefits of flexible working and increase opportunities for it within their organisations. In December 2022, the UK Government pledged to make a request for flexible working a right from day one.

The Essential Skills Taskforce

Since late 2018 we have been part of the Essential Skills Taskforce alongside The Careers & Enterprise Company, Business in the Community (BITC), the Gatsby Foundation, EY Foundation and the Skills Builder Partnership. Together the taskforce developed the Skills Builder Universal Framework which clearly defines the essential skills needed to succeed in education, work and life.

Post-Brexit reform of EU law

Along with the Trades Union Congress, the Institute of Directors and Employment Lawyers Association, we are among 13 signatories of a letter calling on the UK government to withdraw a bill proposing to remove retained EU law by the end of 2023. Concerned at the unnecessary disruption to businesses and working people, the bill could affect UK working time regulations, the right to holiday pay, aspects of discrimination law and TUPE transfer.

Who we're working with in England


Acas (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) provides free and impartial information and advice to employers and employees on all aspects of workplace relations and employment law. We collaborate with Acas on various activities and events as the organisation shares our purpose of championing better work and working lives. We have produced collaborative guidance to upskill line managers known as Soft Skills in Hard Times. Most recently we collaborated to deliver a Good Employment Summit with Northern Metro Mayors, which explored how employers can create better work and working lives.

Greater London Authority

Our partnership with the Mayor of London and his team launched the Good Work Standard. This voluntary benchmarking scheme measures participating businesses against criteria including fair pay, working conditions, employee wellbeing, the availability of skills training, progression and diversity in recruitment.

Greater Manchester Combined Authority

Our partnership with the Mayor of Greater Manchester and his team led to the promotion and adoption of their Good Employment Charter. It sets a high bar for recruitment and employment standards that deliver equality, fair pay, and a positive and productive workplace.

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

Working closely with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority led to the development of their Fair Employment Charter. It promotes and supports good and fair work through its four key objectives of ensuring healthy, fair, inclusive and just work and workplaces.

North of Tyne Combined Authority

We are working with the Metro Mayor of North of Tyne to develop the Good Work Pledge to make poor employment a thing of the past and good work the norm. We will continue to work with the North of Tyne Combined Authority to support and grow the Good Work Pledge, enabling its members to access learning, networking opportunities, and support in the pursuit of good work and sustainability.

Pro Manchester

Pro Manchester is a Greater Manchester Business Community and the largest business development organisation in the North West. We are part of a network of close to 300 members, and sit on Pro Manchester’s Skills Committee, where we provide a wealth of insight and experience to help raise awareness of, and improve, skills gaps in the region.

West Yorkshire Combined Authority

We are working with the Mayor of West Yorkshire to develop the West Yorkshire Fair Work Charter which is dedicated to levelling-up across West Yorkshire by encouraging good pay, fair and flexible working conditions, and promoting diversity and social mobility within the workforce. We will continue to work with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority to support its charter and its ambitious standard for fair work in the region.

Who we’re working with in Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland Skills Council

Established by the Department for the Economy, the Northern Ireland Skills Council brings policymakers, business leaders, trade unions and educators together to provide advice and support on Northern Ireland’s Skills Strategy.

Belfast Business Promise 

Belfast Business Promise is a new accreditation for employers working to improve Belfast. Working together to make Belfast a better city involves providing good jobs, whilst also supporting a sustainable local economy and building a healthier city for everyone. The pledge aims to create a community of organisations committed to improving how they do business together.

Who we’re working with in Scotland

Fair Work Convention Strategic Partnership

Working to ensure fair work drives success, wellbeing and prosperity for all individuals, businesses, organisations and society across Scotland. Together we’re delivering improved practice by successfully embedding the dimensions of fair work within Scotland’s workplaces.

Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE)

The Scottish Government's initiative dedicated to helping individuals and employers with the advice and support they need when faced with redundancy. We support PACE through our network of people professionals in organisations of all sizes across the public, private and third sectors.

Scottish Apprenticeship Advisory Board (SAAB)

An independent, industry-led body which ensures apprenticeships are demand-led, fit for purpose and future-orientated. SAAB is made up of leading employers and industry bodies across a range of sectors.

Who we’re working with in Wales

Welsh Government

Our relationship with the Senedd and Welsh Government has gone from strength to strength since the inception of the CIPD in Wales in 2016.  Our work includes providing Ministers and Officials with first hand insight from our members around the key issues facing the workplace in Wales including employability, flexible working and workplace mental health.  We also provide corporate or individual representation on relevant Boards and Working Groups.

Who we’re working with in Ireland

Skillnet Ireland

The CIPD is the promoter of the Sustainable HRM Skillnet, a business network established to share good practices and to respond effectively to the specific skills needed to operate sustainable people management practices. Network companies come together to build knowledge, insights and skills of HR and business leaders to start the culture change journey and instil people practices that prioritise sustainability. This will incorporate expert input, learning from case studies and good practices to develop a sustainable HRM architecture, and deliver training interventions.


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