In response to today’s announcement from Work and Pensions Secretary, Mel Stride, Lizzie Crowley, Senior Skills Adviser for the CIPD, the professional body for HR and development said:

"The CIPD welcomes efforts to strengthen relationships between Job Centre Plus and employers to help better support more people into good work. But these proposals don't go far enough to address gaps in skills provision across the UK economy. 

"Targeted job specific training can be effective at improving employment and earnings outcomes for the unemployed, but providing access to real jobs, with training, is much more effective.

"Until the Government recognises the need to make the Apprenticeship Levy more flexible and takes steps to reverse the collapse in apprenticeships for young people, then efforts to boost employer investment in skills will continue to be undermined.

"We need to reform the levy and deliver an Apprenticeship Guarantee focused on young people."


Notes to editors

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