This guide focuses on the use of generative artificial intelligence tools – the personal, publicly available AI technology like ChatGPT, Google Bard and similar which have become increasingly popular and widely used. HR needs to lean into the technology, ensure responsible and ethical use of AI, and support their people in adopting and using these tools.

This guide covers two critical elements:

  • how HR can create a policy or approach for the use of AI in their organisation
  • how HR can embrace AI tools in its work and apply them throughout the employee lifecycle.

Generative AI

While AI is already established and present in some HR information systems, spreadsheet software, learning platforms, as well as in search engines and social media apps, the recent shift puts hugely powerful, transformative tools directly into the hands of the end user. This is distinct from AI within those enterprise-level tools that are usually deployed as major projects in an organisation, with testing, risk and security assessments, robust governance and controlled access. By contrast, personal AI tools are unsupervised and unguided, with broad and largely unrestricted access.  

Sensational headlines have warned about the potential for cheating, destruction of jobs and even human extinction. This means that people experimenting with generative AI often do so in secret for fear of getting into trouble, or else are avoiding it altogether.

This is a fast moving area. At the time of writing, other new apps like Microsoft Copilot are preparing to launch, and that is likely to bring the power of generative AI to internal data. Some examples we discuss below explore how use could be extended as these new apps become available.

Shaping an AI-use policy

Using AI to support HR functions

An important opportunity for HR

More on this topic


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