Organisation development and design (OD&D) is about enabling an organisation’s performance and effectiveness.  It is done through two key practices:

  • Organisation design: developing operating models, structures, frameworks, systems and metrics
  • Organisation development: using behavioural science to design and deliver change, focusing on culture, values, capability, behaviours, relationships and ways of working

Together, these practices can enable organisations to deliver sustainable strategies, build adaptable workforces, and create great employee and customer experiences. 

OD&D helps organisations to understand their current state, and work towards an imagined or desired future state, identifying issues and opportunities, and effectively supporting and facilitating people, teams and organisations through change.

In order to operate effectively and provide good work and a good employee/customer experience, organisations need to be consciously and reflectively designed and developed. As the business context becomes more interconnected, more complex and more technology enabled, the skills of organisation design and development are increasingly demanded."

Dr Naomi Stanford - organisation design practitioner, teacher, and author

Organisation development and design standards

Each standard progresses through four levels of impact. Which level do you most embody in your day-to-day work?

Foundation level Associate level Chartered Member level Chartered Fellow level
At this level you'll understand: At this level you'll understand: At this level you'll understand: At this level you'll understand:
Consulting cycle The OD&D consulting cycle OD&D consulting processes and methods and how to apply them A range of OD&D consulting and contracting methods and processes, and how to apply them in different contexts Consulting and contracting approaches for complex organisation transformation
OD&D models N/A Different OD&D models and their advantages and disadvantages (eg McKinsey 7S, Galbraith Star, Burke- Litwin) How to apply a range of OD&D models to shape OD&D approaches, plans and culture How different organisational elements are connected, and impact on current and future organisation effectiveness
Design diagnostics and principles Evidence and data that can be collected and analysed to inform organisation design A range of evidence that can be used to assess and diagnose current state, and inform design requirements and principles How to develop and apply design principles to align organisation elements such as strategy, structure and process How to create and embed organisation level design principles to optimise the whole organisation ecosystem
Operating models, structures and processes Different operating models, structures and processes, and their benefits and risks How to design operating processes, systems and structures How to design and shape operating models, systems and structures to meet current and emerging business needs How to design high-level and agile operating models to drive organisation performance and enable strategy
Work design What good work is, and different dimensions of work and job quality How to design good work at individual and team level (ie who does what, how work is done and the role of technology) How to design good work at organisation level, and why it’s important How to develop and embed good work principles at organisation level
Organisation development theory The importance of theory in organisation development Core theories that shape organisation design development practices (eg systems, action research, appreciative inquiry and complexity) How to apply a range of theory to shape organisation development practices and interventions How to integrate different theoretical perspectives within organisation development strategies
Organisation development diagnostics Evidence and data that can be collected and analysed to inform organisation development Different diagnostic methods and techniques and how to apply at individual and team level (eg interviews, observation, focus groups, surveys and mapping) How to apply different diagnostic methods at business or organisation level to create insight on behaviour and culture How to create strategic insights on organisation culture and mindset, and their impact on performance
Development interventions Different levels and types of development intervention (eg individual, team or organisation levels, task or process focus, structured or emergent) How to create and deliver different OD interventions drawing on both dialogic/emergent and structured methods to enable behaviour and culture change How to develop and deliver multifaced OD strategies to shift culture to enable strategy and purpose
Self as instrument The importance of self-awareness, self- management and social intelligence within OD&D Social and group dynamics and how to use self as instrument to create shared inquiry and surface underlying issues How to use self as instrument to engage multiple stakeholders in exploring organisational behaviour and complexity, and enable strategic thinking

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