In a world of work that never stands still, keeping up to date with the latest trends and insights in people practice is a must and a challenge. As a busy people professional, you need quick, reliable information to help you make evidence-based decisions.

At CIPD we’re asking, how can AI help our members access this information? So we have given AI access to our employment law, factsheets, guides and viewpoints pages so it will only answer HR related questions.  Please bear in mind:

  • During this prototype stage not all answers will be 100% accurate
  • We want to understand with the profession, the opportunities and risks of using AI which is why we're sharing the prototype now

Watch our short video from David D’souza, Director of Profession at the CIPD explaining why we have developed this Generative AI tool and why your feedback is so important. 

We need
your feedback

CIPD Buddy has access to our expert content, so please ask it your HR related questions today. Then tell us what you think. Your feedback will be instrumental in ensuring CIPD Buddy provides a reliable service that meets the needs of the entire CIPD community.

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